Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Two Days Left!

Tomorrow and Friday of semester exams, and then it is OFFICIALLY summer! Speaking of which, I should probably be studying...

Anyway, here's another assignment from this year. Our goal was to create a balance of organic and geometric design into our piece. Naturally (what with me being obsessed with the human body), I used the heart and incorporated geometric shapes and patterns into the piece. I used pen, sharpie, and watercolor for this piece. Honestly, I'm not too proud of this one, but this being the fifth attempt, I was so ready to give up on the assignment. And now, I really need to study.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Out of nothing comes nothing...

One of my favorite quotes by William Graham Sumner. I've been busy doing absolutely nothing, so I thought I'd post some more of my work.

This is an observational drawing that I worked on earlier this year. The assignment was to draw the still life set up in the room, and incorporate us rambling on about how much we hate observational work. I had so much fun with this one.
My idea was to take the cow skull in the still life and turn it into a "person" getting sucked into the still life. So, basically, having conceptual work being swallowed up into observational work. I used pen and prisma color markers on toned paper.
Even though I wasn't planning on entering this one, it won 2nd place in Pen/Ink/Scratchboard Realistic at this years AYAA. I kind of threw it in last minute (literally, while I was at the competition) because I couldn't find the piece I wanted to enter. I'm glad I did, though!