Wednesday, May 19, 2010


No, not mine, my little sister's. Tomorrow night is the big ceremony (oh god, I'm gonna be kidnapped and experimented on; they think I'm from another planet). So, she'll be joining me at my high school next year (nooooooooooo-). ... I honestly can't think of anything else to write (it's been a LONG day), so here's another piece.

One of my assignments earlier this year, a hallway drawing, with something unexpected thrown into it. Despite our school being built like a prison, the few rays of light that manage to get inside provide for a wonderful environment of stark contrast between light and dark. So, I drew near the cafeteria, and had a tree break through one of the columns. I used black and white conte on brown toned paper (my first time ever using conte, and thus, discovering my love for it).

Just a closeup of part of it. I'm rather proud of this piece (seeing as I hate observational drawings with a burning passion), and it actually won 4th place in its category at AYAA this year.

Well, I am keeping my fingers crossed for some potentially amazing opportunities to happen (I'll explain later if it actually happens), so I've been trying to keep myself occupied (mostly working on jewelry) rather then having a panic attack from the excitement. I'm trying to find the motivation to start studying for my semester exams (gee, I wonder how that'll work out), fretting over every time my dad makes me test out my new driving permit (no crashes yet!), and dealing with everday life one step at a time. Geez, I sound like some sappy motivational speaker... oh well.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Old Stuff...

Okay, so I'm gathering up my pieces from school so I may hoard them in my room over the summer (unfortunately, the art department is known for eating works). Therefore, I will post them up here so you lovelies can see them. :)

Here is an architectural rendering I made last year in Advertising Design 1. I somehow lost the file, so I only have the printed version that was entered into AYAA that year. It was my middle school here in Arkansas (yes, I've been to several, as most of you know); it was a small Catholic school with a pretty little church. My mom drove me out there so I could take of picture of the courtyard, where our proud statue of St. Patrick still stands. This was made in Adobe Illustrator, and was one of my favorite assignments.

Here is a closeup of the statue. I really simplified the picture (you don't expect me to draw every detail, do you!?), but I like how it turned out (especially the crazy lines I used for the stained glass windows).

I'll post one picture each time I update, so you guys can see some of my works from this year (apparently I am an art ninja, since you guys never get to see my pieces).