Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I wanted to post something profound... but I forgot what I was going to say...

...So, I'll just post more of my old artwork.

These pieces are from 2008-2009(?) during my sophomore year. These are all pen and sharpie (I still hadn't drifted too far out of my comfort zone yet), and when I realized my love of bold lines and tattoo-inspired art.

I've tossed around the idea of becoming a tattoo artist when I'm older, possibly as a part time job. Now, if only my parents would let me get one...

I have always loved Eastern cultures, and their aspects have always influenced my work. This was a simplified version of a lucky cat I got from the state fair several years ago.

Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm not posting anything from my freshman year, it's because I am so ashamed of those works that I refuse to allow any of you to see them. So, ha. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

So, even though we had school, I had a pretty good day. I got checked out early to go to the dentist (woopdeedoo). Turns out, my jaw muscles are pretty bad because I grind my teeth at night... and I'm addicted to gum. If it doesn't get better soon, I'm going to be prescribed muscle relaxants so I can get some decent sleep. Honestly, I'm amazed my body hasn't fallen apart by now.

In other news, I'm scrambling around, trying to get a bunch of artwork done for upcoming competitions. I have one this weekend, another sometime this month, and an AYAA competition eventually... I don't think the teachers even know when it is. UGH, PRESSURE. Oh well, at least I'm not sitting on my ass as much. For now...

And now, for your entertainment/shits and giggles, more of my art from 2007. Around the same time as the other Chiodos picture, and yes, the same mediums. I hadn't dove into the world of mediums until my freshman year. Ugh, once I'm done posting my old crap, I'll post some of my recent work from my new sketchbook... which I am still ecstatic over receiving...

So, yeah... time to spend the rest of my evening on the interwebs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Jewelry Website!

Well, I've finally finished my jewelry website where you can buy hand-made necklaces from me. I'm quite excited, and for now, I'll keep my business within my school. Once I save up enough money to actually buy a domain, then I'll take commissions outside of my school.

You can view my website here: http://acaciatreedesigns.webs.com/

Since my website is free for now, they only gave me a limited number of pages, so I had to delete the small gallery I had... so I'll post them here! And to maximize my post amount, I'll enter one each time I post.

So, some traditional work from 2007, in the summer before my freshman year. Sheesh... I'm glad I've improved. And yes... I was obsessed with Chiodos and sharpies... Anyway, this picture was inspired by their album All's Well That Ends Well. This took approximately six hours... since I was too anti-social to go down and hang out with my family while my sister and I were vacationing in California. I can't help it, I love them, but the size of my dad's side of the family can be pretty intimidating.

In other news, I'm still trying to get used to Arkansas's screwy weather. It's snowing one day and sunny the next. I'm just glad we got three snow days last week, and you know what I did? Absolutely nothing. It was friggin' fantastic. The bad news is, we have to go to school on President's Day, but there's supposed to be another storm coming, so maybe we'll get the day off anyway. It's snowing/raining right now, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!