Monday, June 7, 2010

School's Out For Summer!

Ah, how much I missed summer. Anyway, a week until AGS, so I'm starting to pack. It's kind of sad how I'm more excited about the Spiderman trashcan and bed sheets my mom got me than I am about the minifridge I'll have in my dorm. I guess after spending all those years trying to be an adult, all I want to be is a kid again.

So, this assignment earlier this year was to make a tattoo-style piece while incorporating a hand. I swear, I think my teacher designed this assignment specifically for me. I squeeled like a moron when she announced it, while everyone else complained how this project was perfect for me (I love designing tattoos and drawing hands). I used this wonderful opportunity to create a sort of social commentary on how we are so bound to technology. I used only pen and sharpie for this piece, focusing on an industrial look. The hand in the middle is robotic and holding an organic/mechanical heart. This was when I had my mohawk (or shortly after, I can't quite remember), so I added a mohawk into the design. I like how this turned out, although I'm thinking of redoing it and entering it into my portfolio for my senior project.