Saturday, June 12, 2010

Unexplainable Stories

Song I'm listening to by Cloud Cult. I fell in love with them after listening to "Everybody Here is a Cloud." You should look them up.

Anyway, I wanted to show my other piece from my senior project.
This one is "Balance," and it another layered piece. First layer: splattered watercolor. Second: marker "picture frame." Third: Ebony pencil (a friend modeled for me). Fourth: marker balance.

I thought of this one as how my attempts to make things perfect just make them worse. Plus, I feel that the "person" in this piece believes they are balancing the picture (in the picture...), when really they are off balance themselves. However (as I explained before), you can interpret it however you want. I'm just giving my idea of what it's about. Honestly, I don't know the true meanings of each of my pieces, which I think makes them a little more interesting. ;)

So, I'm leaving tomorrow for AGS, so I most likely won't be able to post for a month (oh noes). Hopefully I'll have plenty of artwork to show you afterwards, though. So, goodbye all you lovely people (if there is actually anyone that reads my blog, if not, ttfn all you lovely imaginary people).